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Muscle relaxing injections // to soften the lines caused by muscle action

Dermal fillers // to replace age related volume loss, shadows or to enhance facial proportions

Skin Boosters & Meso Therapy // to hydrate and increase the skin's collagen content and address fine lines

Thread Lift and Mono Threads // for jawline contouring, creating a 'lift' or 'pullback' and for collagen induction

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact us, we'd love to discuss your needs.


Your initial consultation is FREE!

We know that it can feel uncomfortable talking about your concerns. Please know that we are empathetic, experienced and our goal is to help. Consultation is free and no pressure. We will listen to what you want to achieve and give you options… and these may include our treatments or a referral to someone else if needed. We look forward to chatting!


Annoying frown line? Do you look grumpy when you aren't? Do the lines on your forehead trap your makeup?

If so, you may be a good candidate for Muscle Relaxing injections.


This treatment uses Botulinum toxin, a purified protein, to temporarily decrease muscle action. This means that the muscles that make the lines will not be able to contract as strongly.


If your lines are deep, they will not completely disappear. However, with time and repeated treatments, you will find that the lines will soften even more.


You will be given a 'standard' dosage. However, you may find that your area may not be 'standard' and may require more to achieve optimal results.

Botulinum Toxin treatment starts to work 3 days after treatment, with full results seen at 2 weeks, It lasts 2.5 to 4 months, depending on the dosage you have and your metabolism.


Your appointment will take 30 minutes (most of this spent chatting). You will need to have a review 2 weeks after treatment.


You can book for a consultation to discuss the treatment in full details: expected outcomes, possible complications, costs, etc.


We recommend that you have a consultation separate to your first treatment. If you have had muscle relaxing treatments in the past and are fully informed, we can do your treatment on the same day as your consultation.


During your appointment we will have you fill out a medical, we will discuss your expectations and answer all your questions. Following this, we will obtain consent to perform the treatment. During the consent process, we will describe again all of the possible side effects of treatment and make sure you are happy to proceed. We will then take pre treatment photos. These are really great to refer to once the treatment has started to work so you can see your progress.


Treatment itself is very quick - no more than 10 minutes. We use very tiny needles used superficially to inject the product.


Following this, we will give you an after-care sheet and book you in for a follow-up in 2 weeks.


There are 3 major brands of Botulinum toxin used in New Zealand currently. We primarily use one of these, but can make the others available for you upon request (If you have a preference). Botulinum toxin is used for many areas of the face and also for excessive sweating.


Talk to us about what you want to achieve and we can see if it is the right option for you.




General Instructions


Your treatment will begin to work in 3 – 7 days.  Full effect can be seen at 2 weeks. If this is the first time having treatment, you will need to attend a review.


Following your treatment with Botulinum toxin the following is advised:

  • Do not rub the injection site for 2 hours. This includes activities that apply pressure to the area: facial treatments, massage, helmet or goggle wearing for example.

  • Do not lie flat or sleep for 2 hours. This includes activities where your head is downward or horizontal for extended periods of time: yoga, swimming, etc

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours.

  • If you want to apply makeup today, mineral powder is recommended.

  • Avoid Facials or skin treatments for one week post treatment. This includes Beauty therapy treatments, home devices and cosmetic tattooing, for example.


If you experience a Complication:

  • If you experience mild bruising, you can use arnica cream the day after treatment. Bruises get darker before they begin to go away.

  • If you experience more than mild bruising, contact your treatment provider or clinic. It is likely that they will want to review the bruising.

  • If you experience a headache after treatment, take paracetamol as directed on the package.

  • If you experience symptoms that are of concern or are severe, contact your treatment provider or clinic.


Full results of treatment will be able to be seen at 2 weeks. Your treatment provider will be unable to make a full assessment of your outcomes prior to 2 weeks.


Results depend on the dosage of units and placement. Your treatment provider has likely started with an ‘average’ dosage. If however, you continue to have some movement, you are likely to need more than the ‘average’ dosage.

Results are expected to last approximately 3 months.


Review Appointment 


If you are unable to attend your review your treatment provider will not be able to gauge the effectiveness of your treatment. The effectiveness of the treatment is most important to be assessed at 2-3 weeks after treatment. Failing to attend the review will negate any dispute as to treatment outcomes.


Treatment Longevity


Your treatment is expected to last about 3 months. Forehead line treatments will not last as long as frown line treatment. This is normal and expected, especially if you regularly exercise or have a faster metabolism. If your forehead lines come back before your frown line treatment, you may want to bring your next appointment forward.


You have been treated with an ‘average’ dose of Botulinum toxin. If at review, you still have some movement, it is likely that the ‘average’ dosage does not apply to you and you may require a larger dosage. If you want more of a result or any changes, this will likely require more units to achieve and this will be at your own cost.


Changes to your Medical or Health


If you experience any changes to your health status, experience new allergies or sensitivities or start medications please let us know. You can call us before your appointment or let us know on the day of your next appointment.


If you become pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant in the next 3 months please let us know. Botulinum toxin is a cosmetic elective treatment and is not recommended when pregnant or planning pregnancy.


If you discover you are pregnant after having treatment, please let us know. Although there have been no associations with Botulinum toxin and adverse effects on pregnancy, we still need to report this incidence to the pharmaceutical company that makes the Botulinum toxin.

Other areas
Price at consultation
Muscle Relaxing Injections


Has your face shape changed as you have gotten older? Does your lipstick bleed up off of your lip?

Or do you feel like your lips, cheeks, chin or another area could have better proportions?

If so, dermal fillers may be a good option for you.

The dermal fillers we use are made of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance found in our bodies.


Your treatment will begin to work straight away, however you will see the full results in 3-4 weeks.


Your treatment provider will be unable to make a full assessment of your outcomes prior to 3 weeks due to swelling and the need for the product to ‘settle.’


Swelling and some bruising are normal. These can make the treatment area look larger than expected. The swelling and bruising will go down over the next 1-2 weeks.


General Instructions 


Following your treatment with dermal fillers the following is advised:

  • Do not expose yourself to pathogens. Avoid getting your treatment area dirty. This will decrease the change of infection. Avoid makeup, saunas, gyms, gardening, etc for 24 hours.

  • Do not create pressure on the treatment area. Avoid strong massage or anything that causes pressure to the treatment area. This may include items such as goggles, helmets, face down massages, sleeping on your face, etc.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours.

  • If you want to apply makeup today, mineral powder is recommended.

  • Avoid Facials or skin treatments for one week post treatment (lips.) Avoid Facials or skin treatments for three weeks post treatment (All other areas.) This includes Beauty therapy treatments, home devices and cosmetic tattooing, for example.


If you experience a Complication:

  • If you experience mild bruising, you can use arnica cream the day after treatment. Bruises get darker before they begin to go away.

  • If you experience more than mild bruising, contact your treatment provider or clinic. It is likely that they will want to review the bruising.

  • If you experience pain after treatment, take paracetamol as directed on the package.

  • If you experience symptoms that are of concern or are severe, contact your treatment provider or clinic.

  • Self-monitor for 3 days after treatment. If you notice any areas of your face that are peculiar looking: pale, grey, patterns, pustules or bruises that don’t look like bruises, contact your treatment provider.


Review Appointment


If you are unable to attend your review your treatment provider will not be able to gauge the effectiveness of your treatment. The effectiveness of the treatment is most important to be assessed at 3-4 weeks after treatment. Failing to attend the review will negate any dispute as to treatment outcomes.


Changes to your Medical or Health


If you experience any changes to your health status, experience new allergies or sensitivities or start medications please let your treatment provider know. You can call us before your appointment or let us know on the day of your next appointment.


If you become pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant in the next 3 months please let us know.


If you discover you are pregnant after having treatment, please let us know. Although there have been no associations with dermal fillers and adverse effects on pregnancy, we still need to report this incidence to the pharmaceutical company that makes the dermal filler.

Nasolabial folds
Chin crease (mental crease)
Upper lips lines
Marionette (mouth frown lines) 
Ear lobes
Price at consultation
Other areas
Demal Fillers
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